1.1.2. General recommendations
  • Medical and nursing staff should wear short, clean, nail polish-free nails. Do not use artificial nails.(2,4,6,20)
NE: Category IIA
  • Do not use cosmetic soaps in the hospital area.(10,11,16) NE: Category IIA
  • Drying hands performs two main functions: removing excess water and dead or inhibited microorganisms. The cloth towel acts as an inanimate object that carries microorganisms, which is why when it is reused, some of them adhere to the skin of those next to dry, losing the microbicidal action of the soap.(10)
NE: Category IIA
  • Before washing your hands, all jewelry should be removed from your hands. Jewelry should not be worn during the work day.(2,4,6,20)
NE: Category IIB
  • The first wash of the day should include washing your nails. NE: Category IIB
  • Do not use brushes while washing hands.(2,8,20) NE: Category IIIB
  • Completely empty soap dispensers when adding new soap.
  • People with wounds, burns or open lesions on their hands or arms cannot rub, because this increases the bacterial count, therefore they should refrain from participating in surgical procedures.(2,8,10)
1.1.3. Hand washing technique

Hand washing with ordinary soap is effective for the mechanical removal of transient microorganisms, when it is carried out with antimicrobial agents it destroys or inhibits microbial growth (chemical removal). It is known that the main factor that influences the effectiveness of surgical scrub other than the antiseptic agent is the scrub technique.(2,11,14,21) Hand washing (4,15,17,19)

• Wet your hands, add the indicated solution. NE: Category IA
• Perform vigorous rubbing of the surfaces and sides of the hands for at least 10 seconds straight. NE: Category IA
• Rinse under a source of water.(2-8,10,13-15,19,20) NE: Category IA
• Dry hands with paper towels. NE: Category IIA

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